Which earphones are safer for hearing

Modern young people are often not averse to listening to their favorite tracks on headphones at full volume. However, they do not even suspect how much harm they do to their ears. Doctors are perplexed by the multitude of patients with different forms of hearing loss coming in every day.

In this article we will talk about what harm is done to the ears, and which models are the most safe for hearing.

What types of headphones are safer for hearing

The most unsafe for ears and hearing are any internal options: earplugs, earbuds and so on. Such models are considered harmful only for two reasons: firstly, the dynamics in them are weak, they do not have low frequencies, but only medium and high; secondly, the sound source is too close to the eardrum, which, if the sound is too loud, can greatly affect hearing. The sound is not able to disperse in space, since the plug tightly closes the external sound passage.

Headphones with which frequency range is safer for hearing

An equally important detail is the frequency range. The lower the sound, the less harmful the headphones themselves are to your ears. It is immediately worth noting that the human ear is capable of perceiving a frequency in the range of 20 to 20,000 Hz. The most optimal options are those whose frequency is 24 Hz. It guarantees a satisfactory sound without various creaks, hissing and crackles.

It’s not enough just to buy optimal, safe hearing products. It is important to be able to use them correctly. The volume should not be higher than 50-70% of the total maximum volume. To determine the volume norm, you can rely on the audibility of everything around. Using headphones is recommended no more than 2 hours a day.

Observing the above easy recommendations, you will forever protect yourself from hearing problems and keep its perception for many years.

Watch the video: Is Your Hearing At Risk? Tips to Protect Your Ears (May 2024).

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