Printer resolution is

In the modern world, the development of high technology impresses with its fast pace. Advanced designs appear every year and are being introduced into all spheres of human activity.

Printer resolution

The largest part of the technology is computers and devices for working with them. Computers are complex machines consisting of various input and output tools for fast work with it, transformation and transmission over long distances. This greatly facilitates the process of work and coordinated execution of tasks by different users.

One of the main tools for removing electronic information is a printer. Thanks to the development of the technological process and the emergence of new developments, a huge range of equipment can be found on store shelves. However, to select a quality model, it is necessary to spend a lot of time comparing all the basic parameters of work.

If you have free time and desire to collect detailed information, you can search for options for a long time in various price categories. If free time is not in stock, you can use the list of the most popular and best models of printers in different price ranges.

In addition, it is recommended to take into account the print resolution. We will tell about this important criterion in our article and advise how to choose the right technique for fast and high-quality work with documents.

IMPORTANT: Not always the price is an absolute indicator of the quality of the equipment. Even among the budget versions you can find excellent models.

For the correct choice of technology, it is necessary to understand the basic principle of its operation and to be guided in the basic parameters. This information will be useful for both beginners and advanced PC users. We will talk about print resolution, which is the main indicator of the quality of the functioning of the system.

Since the picture consists of individual elements and points (pixels), a certain number of such points is required to create a solid image with good quality. Under the resolution refers to the number of pixels located on the unit area. Usually in the classic version is considered an inch as a measure of the length and area of ​​the sheet.

One pixel or dot encodes a specific color, a hue from the whole palette. The more pixels located on the surface, the better the quality of the displayed image and the printed document. Accordingly, the higher the resolution, the better for work. This indicator is estimated in points per inch.

With a small resolution of the points it will not be enough to evenly cover the entire surface of the picture, so in some places there will appear blurry spots, merging the image. All this noticeably worsens clarity and saturation, making the picture worse. And at the lowest rates, the image will consist of separate squares, and the overall picture will be incomprehensible for perception.

IMPORTANT: Check the information on the website or from the vendors in the store before purchasing the equipment. For comparison, see the resulting printed sheets when using versions with different resolutions.

After you have learned the definition of a concept, you should become familiar with the types of this indicator. In the classic version uses the standard application of equal markup. In this case, the vertical and horizontal values ​​of the number of pixels in the area are the same: 600 × 600, 1200 × 1200. Then the image is uniform, and the colors look the same in all axes.

Some models use a different type when the vertical value differs from the horizontal number of points. An example is the 1200 × 600 format. This allows you to speed up the work and maintain excellent file quality.

IMPORTANT: From the values ​​of this parameter depends on the speed of work. For the printer to print all the points without gaps, you need a certain time.

Therefore, with a large number of pixels, the speed may noticeably decrease. Consider this when choosing a model to purchase the best version for personal use preferences.

Watch the video: High-resolution screen printing demystified (April 2024).

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